Our day was jam packed with service, exploring, and excitement that begin before the sunrise and lasted long after the sunset. As I was discussing with fellow group members it seemed everyone had positive experiences throughout the day and unfortunately this post will only be able to scratch the surface of the activities.
We started off the day by preparing breakfast and lunch for the men of the Father McKenna center. This enabled us to work together as a group and efficiently provide meals for roughly 50 men. Following breakfast we were able to attend the daily meeting that takes place before lunch. In order to receive lunch the men must attend this meeting. Different topics are covered daily and today our ASB group switched off introducing ourselves and between our introductions we were lucky enough to have the men introduce themselves to us and they spoke to the different aspects of homelessness to provide us a better understanding of their lifestyle. Following the 11:00 meeting we were lucky enough to have a speaker from the Washington DC Fiscal Policy Institute. Here we discussed the financial aspect of poverty and what is being done in regards to the problem. We finished the night by traveling to Georgetown which contains a beautiful college campus and a delicious cupcake shop that will be featured on the show D.C. Cupcakes. We had the pleasure of being shown around by Ali, an Oshkosh alumni who now resides in the D.C. area. Along with that, we had the chance to go to a dine in restaurant which was a great treat! We celebrated Kevin's (very belated) birthday with some cake and cheers from us and other customers in the restaurant. It was nice not to have to walk to and from the grocery store and then prepare dinner so we could eat at 8:00 p.m. which has been our schedule throughout the week.
Now that you have an idea of what our day consisted of, there are a few important topics that I would like to cover. The first is the themes apparent in the homelessness and poverty stricken lives. The following are themes that were discussed in our group meeting with the men at Father McKenna, observations, and in meetings such as the one by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institution. The three most prominent and important items were discussed at the meeting and include: 1. Not all homelessness is attributed to drugs and alcohol 2. Many homeless men and women don't "look homeless" because they find it important to use the resources provided to maintain their appearance 3. Most homeless individuals are not "lazy" or "bums" but have fallen I to an unfortunate and temporary situation in which they are doing their best to work their way out of and 4. Many homeless individuals do not sleep out on the streets. Of the 45 men in attendance, only two of them stayed on the street for the night. This was startling to me because it means that we only see a very small percentage of the homeless population and a large part remain unseen to the common eye. I compare the situation to an iceberg - we only see the tip but underneath the water there is a very large problem. Another theme that has been apparent in almost every presentation we have attended is the enormous disparity present between the upper and lower class. It is the third highest gap in the nation. This is present everywhere we go. The first night we were here there was a beautiful wedding procession going on in the upper part of a building while there were.men sleeping on cots because it was their chance to sleep with a roof over their head. Another example is us volunteering at the McKenna center during the day and taking a short metro ride to the Georgetown University where it costs close to $40,000 a year in tutition costs alone to attend. The disparity is hard to fathom but it is apparent more and more every day.
You may be familiar with the Father McKenna center, but just in case you're not, I want to share with you some of the things I have witnessed. Before arriving to Washington D.C., I had done some research on the center and was very impressed with the programs they had avaliable and the values the center held. It wasn't until the point I was immersed that I truly understood how things really worked around here. The staff really cares and takes I interest in every individual that walks through their door. In order to exemplify this fact, I have a story about a man named Joe*. Joe grew up in a home where he saw his mother beat, where he was told the only way to survive was to fight and drink, and were he suffered violence as well. Growing up in an unstable household like this, he resorted to a lifestyle such as the one that was modeled to him as a child. During his his young adult years he resorted to robbing individuals to keep afloat. He stated that his only two forms of identity were the two guns he carried. On one occasions he was shot in the jaw and had to stay in the hospital for an extended amount of time with his jaw.wired shut. During this time a women came and read him the Bible. This was something new to him and he couldn't talk so he just listened. At first the words didn't mean anything but as time went on they began to mean something. Shortly following this encounter, Joe ended up at the Father McKenna where a few of the staff members took interest in him. It took a long time for their words to register but eventually Joe started realizing that he could do better for himself and was capable of so much. He started turning his life around and gave up drinking and narcotic use. Instead of carrying weapons as forms of ID, he was provided a legitimate ID and doesn't go anywhere without it. Speaking to Joe today, you would not know that he had a past like I described. He is just one example of the positive effects the Father McKenna center has on the lives of men. They have a small capacity but it is because of this that they can work one on one with the men and truly get their life back on track. It takes a lot for me to consider an individual a hero and I believe Joe is one. He has overcome situations that many cannot imagine and has used them to better himself. Along with that, he has shared his story with others and is a symbol of hope. It is important to never lose sight of hope and if you set goals you will achieve them.
The experiences discussed barely scratch the surface of what we have seen and witnessed but I hope it gives you a bit of understanding about homelessness and what we are doing during our stay. Throughout the week we have given our time but I feel that for the little bit of time we have given, we have gained so much more and it's the individuals that we have conversed with that have given to us. I am so thankful and feel so blessed to be among such grateful, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals. This spring break has been one that I will remember forever!
*name has been changed in order to maintain confidentiality
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